Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Karzi's task

If Karzai had any sense whatsoever he would probably want to massacre Padsha Khan Zadran, a local warlord who is trying to establish dominance over some part of Afghanistan. Short of that Karzai will be perceived as weak and will last only as long as someone stronger doesn't oust him. Karzai, if there is to be any hope for the country, must establish a strong central government and quash all opposition - mercilessly. Then over a perid of many years can he introduce democratic reform.

Hark. I hear in the distance liberal screams going something like this: How can you hope to start a democracy when you have to squash the opposition. Well, my well meaning friends, think back to the US civil war. There would still be slavery in this country without war. Also, if the warlords win there is no hope for democracy at all. Better a rough start with some hope for a better world then a bloody massacre that kills lots of innocent Afghanis and leaves no hope for the future of that country.