I knew I would get in to trouble for this eventually.
I was doing my customary run up the East River, from the Lower East Side to the UN and back this morning. As usual I would stop at the UN, "clear my throat" and head back, to have a full 5 mile run.
Today a UN security guard walks over to me as soon as I hit the UN, as if he was waiting for me, and says "why do you always stop there?". To which I reply, "because this is where I turn around and head back.". "But" he replies "I see you do this religiously every time. Why do you have to [spit] in front of the gate where the staff members here pass? Can't you do it there [at the corner]?" To which I respond something like "sorry, I'll take that in to consideration." And then I ran off.
I think I better reconsider my policy of showing my disdain for the UN with saliva in the future.
But at least now I can say that I have tangled with UN security forces and emerged unscathed.