Thursday, August 25, 2005

It Figures

Just as Lance Armstrong, the darling of the trendy-lefty bright yellow bracelet thingies is seen hanging out with George Bush the Media resurfaces with allegations of drug abuse.

There is a lesson here folks. I am just not sure what it is.


Joclyn said...

Relax, Karl; those are not new allegations. They were published in at lesat one book two years ago, and have been floating around various media ever since.

Joclyn said...

And besides, you wanted one of those bracelets. :)

karl said...

The site I cited had a whole list of the allegations. But this was time it was a really big news deal. Armstrong was on Larry King last night (and from the 10 minutes that I watched) bashing the French and pretty much saying that they fabricated it.

I still want one of them bracelets. I NEEED to be trendy.