Thursday, October 02, 2003

Why men have no need to shop but a need to compete

There is something very "gatherer" about shopping. I think that the culture of shopping that has been foisted on humanity for the past few thousand years is forcing a mode of commerce on humanity that is very "unnatural".

There are various methods of obtaining the necessities of life. We are typically accoustomed to thinking about hunter gatherer distinctions. This distinction makes some sense as it does reflect our primitive ancestors' modes of provision aquisition. We tend to believe that historically Women were the gatherers and men were the hunters. This makes sense, and also accurately describes and explains much about ancient history.

Shopping is a very gatherer activity. Now that we do not live in a society that either hunts or gathers we, for some reason, feel compelled to continue those traditions or habits still. Apparently women are doing well replacing gathering with shopping, and men have been doing well using risky business and competition as a compensation for hunting.

It is a classic case of replacing psychologically necessary behavior with similar behavior to trick your "unconscious" in to thinking that you are doing what you are supposed to.
Male behavior exhibits this classically.