The other day I got the latest issue of Army Reserve Magazine (vol 49#2). On page 43, there is what must be the Army version of inclusiveness. There is a nice picture of the Jewish Service in Bagdad International Airport. The scene shows about five people, four with Kippot and two wearing the talit. The fifth is a woman. The Soldier in the foreground (with the Airborne patch) is reading out of an Artscroll Siddur, and the rest are using standard military issue Jewish Prayer books.
Military siddurim, by the way are interesting. You get the impression that you are reading a foxhole-siddur, or only the bare minimum, in case you do not have time to pray.
But the picture is very nice, and it is good to see Jews prominent in the military in the US.
Military services are unique, and the Jewish service is especially so. There were eight people at the service in Bagdad, and the chaplain was a reservist. I am sure that the service meant a lot to the people there.