Monday, September 12, 2005

Lakewood Rumor

So the latest rumor going around is about Lakewood and the kollel communities there. I am waiting for it to be verified.

Apparently the girl's schools upped the frum ante. Now in order to get in, in adition to whatever prior standard had to be met, you 1) cannot have a father who works, and 2) cannot have a mother who wears denim skirts. If you you cannot be admitted in to the Beis Yaakov there.

So this school year was slated to start with 150 frum girls who although they met all the other standards either had a mother whose skirt is made with cotton processed a certain way that the talmudic rabbis never envisioned, or has a father who, like almost all of our Amoraic sages, actually has a job.

But now they have no school to go to.

So, as the story goes, Rav Eliashev was consulted and he said that the school year could not start until the girls were all in schools.

Apparently their school year has not yet started.

Anyone know more about this story?


Zoe Strickman said...

I don't agree. I feel that the schools are using a power that doesn't belong to them. Their role is to educate the children, not force observance standards on the parents. I wish G-d would kick someone's butt, because I feel that this will cause less damage than the entrance restrictions that you say are taking place. I'm glad I don't live in Lakewood. -Zoe

karl said...

Just to clear up some sociological stuff: Midwood (and its ever growing environs, eg, Madison, "Flatbush", etc) is frum. Boro Park is both very frum and hassidic (which is a subset of very frum). Williamsburg is hassidic. Crown Heights, is . . ., well . . ., Lubavitch (its own category beyond description). Lakewood is VERY VERY frum (for the most part). There is nothing liberal about Aish HaTorah Orthodox except (1) the past lives of many of its members and (2) the facade they project so that they appear enlightened to outsiders.

This rumor about Lakewood is very plausible, especially given the kollel lifestyle that is central to the Lakewood Yeshiva. I have still not heard any more about it though.

(Disclaimer: I was raised in Boro Park, spent most of my life in Flatbush, have much of my extended family in Boro Park, and spent a year in Aish Hatorah in Jerusalem. I also spent two weekends in Lakewood, and a farbrengen once in Crown Heights. Both are more than enough to get a picture of the last two places.)

bec said...

you forgot to mention the several years you spent in brooklyn college consorting with the freaks of society where you were morally corrupted beyond recognition.

karl said...

Those were three very freaky years indeed.

Joclyn said...

How does a father pay for his daughter's eductation without a job?

karl said...

The family who has a father who "sits and learns" full time generally makes ends meet by a combination of the following: 1) As enlightened as this sounds, the wife works. 2) The extended family of the kollel family (eg, parents, siblings) help out, 3) The US government often find itslef supporting low-income black-hat families, and finally 4) the modest kollel stipend courtesy of the fund-raising efforts of the Yeshivah itself.

bec said...

call me unenlightened, but it is my strong belief that a man should be able to both provide adequately for his family AND learn. women have the responsibility of raising a family, and if we are exempt from many mitzvot because of time constraints, it seems that we should be equally exempt from solely supporting a family, so that our husbands can not work and instead learn all day (which is beautiful but not at the expense of the well-being of the family.) and while i'm in support of working moms, i really believe that if it's possible, moms really should stay home and raise their kids.
*let the flames begin*

bec said...

sorry for the tangent there.

karl said...

I'm all for letting a thousand flowers bloom here. If there are people dumb enough to want to support them, or there was women willing to marry them, or there is a government that will let this sort of thing go on, then who am I to stand in their way?

By the way, any women out there want to support me while I sit on my ass and thing about the meaning of life?

bec said...

good luck on that endeavor.

bec said...

do you mean physically, or monetarily?


Anonymous said...

Is this a true story?

karl said...

I am not sure if this is true. That was the rumor. I have not had it verified yet.