Sunday, January 18, 2004


Last night I attended my first blogger party, complete with food I never ate before (good empanadas, Dahlia) and people I had never met before in real life, and naturally, someone writing a story about blogger parties.

Everyone was really nice, even in person.

I was also confronted with the sad reality that it has been many years since I actually watched a TV program that was not set somewhere in outer space. (Can someone explain this American Idol thing to me?) This alone might explain my social awkwardness. I also just realized that I am the least techno-savy person I know.

Here is rachelleb, tienmao, on the party (with pictures). Here are some other attendees: Our host dahlia, and Sam, Paul, smitten, sassy, the guest of honor, and Joclyn, who got me to come along.

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