Sunday, June 30, 2002
Suspicious bag
It was funny. But then when I got to my office and took a good look at the bag, I realized that if I looked Middle Eastern, with that bag, I would have wanted the police to search me too.
Yesterday there was a flea market that stretched from Union Square to Washington Square. They had some cool stuff. I wanted to get a T-Shirt, but I had no cash on me at that time. They had these cool things that you see at flea-markets.
I went to Lyric Diner for dinner with "E". It is around 3rd and 22nd. I eat there a lot, but I am getting kind of bored with it. It isn't holding my interest. Then it was off to coffee with "Z" in Esperanto.
Saturday, June 29, 2002
Indian food dinner with friends
Then I had dinner today with some friends in from Switzerland, Germany, and Israel at some Indian place on 6th between 1st and 2nd. There are like 50 of them on the same block. The food was good, and the siren thingies are nice. Very tacky though, as you'd expect from these places. They all try to have some gimmick.
Thursday, June 27, 2002
My pledge too
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
All of us who have been helping to prevent forest fires, just to suck up to Smokey the Bear just saved all the trees for the big forest fire. Our government needs people who can make policy based on long term considerations. Not the quick fixes that get people quick votes. It is the voter's fault as much as the politicians. We need environmental lobbyists that know how to think in the long run, and not just to have stuff that looks good in their fund-raising literature. When people learn how to talk about long term goals we will have a better and stronger country.
A social scientist named Ainsley, in his book Picoeconomics suggested that as humans, we are not wired to think in the long run. There is no evolutionary advantage. That seems to be the case. We have to have a better system of governance to account for new realities that our genes had no need for.
Review of Freidman's From Beirut to Jerusalem
I have a whole slew of criticisms, which I will put up at some point when I am less tired. He is an apologist for the Israeli left/peace camp. He is also really condescending to the Arabs he talks about.
The story is something like this. There are these people in Beirut. They all hate each other. They have always been fighting, and always will be. There have been few moments of peace in Beirut every now in then in the past hundreds of years. Every now and then something happens to keep the peace. Either something external (eg, French colonialism) or internal (a precise balance of power). Something like the National Pact or some feelings of Pan Arabism. If this ever gets messed up, even a bit, there is war. Now, the way Friedman portrays this, it is OK, and we are to take this with a sense of humor, and never talk about the killing of anyone in a civil war as bad or anything, except in the perfunctory way we must. He seems to portray himself as some Journalistic version of Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. It is romantic, and cool. We drank in the cool bars and ate in the "in" restaurants, even during the war. Boy - those were the days, the war days.
Moreover Friedman describes well, the set of rules for real power in the Middle East - Hama rules. This is where some Arab massacres thousands of other Arabs. This is part of the game which we have to accept with lots of humor, and amusement. It is really romantic, the way it is all portrayed. There everyone is part of the underground resistance. Only all 50 resistance movements are fighting each other, not an outside enemy. So Hama rules is how it is played internally, but once in a while someone else falls in to the game, like Sharon. You can fal in to the game just by showing up. If he does not understand the rules then he will screw up. If he does he is a butcher.
Now I like this idea of Sharon being held to a higher standard than Arabs, but it seems a bit unfair, if he is playing with them. (Game theory comes in here) Sharon, because he is Jewish like Friedman, is held to these impossible standards. He has to be moral. Why can't Sharon play by Arab (read Hama) rules? Every indication is that every one else is. It is because those are ugly rules. Friedman apparently thinks that Arabs can't be held to such a high standard, and frankly, I agree with him. But if the Jets were to bring guns to the fight and the sharks were only allowed to fight with their bare hands, I see a problem.
Now the fact is that Israel has guns, and Lebanon does not. But not only is Israel not allowed to use them, they have to sit by when other people do. They have to be moral. There is all this hig moral language imposed on Israel, that you do not see elsewhere. There is also a long analysis about why the media does this. (He is naturally exempt)
His understanding of Jews is kind of poor, and his analysis of Israelis is only slightly better. Long poorly chosen quotes from David Hartman make up for analysis. I assume that Freidman came to Israel thinking he knows all he needs to about Jews and Israelis (after all, he is Jewish) and didn't bother to listen to any of them. His "Sassoon" is a saving grace, in that he does touch on something - that a lot of Israelis are Sassoons.
His solutions are worth considering.
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
First, I am not about to say that the US is doing something wrong trying to kick Taliban ass. We are not. Their asses need kicking - desperately.
But what are we replacing the old Afghani government with? Remember, for your average Afghani, a country is a very different kind of entity then it is for an American. Here in the west, a country is some kind of unit. We believe that there is some kind of national entity with a center of power and a bureaucracy and an elected or chosen leader. We pay taxes to a centralized government, and there is one and only one army, and there is a foreign policy, with decisions that are made by a few people (in most cases with the mandate of a large percentage of the country).
In Afghanistan, the going conception of government is a rather fluid piece of land which is in some way controlled by the war lord de jure. Tax is paid to him. As much as he wants. there is no such thing as a foreign policy, or any policy whatsoever. The policy is help thine self.
Afghanis must see George Bush as the biggest and strongest warlord, and Americans see the Taliban and now Karzai as the latest leader of a genuine government. There waqs no government, not in the sense that an American would have recognized it.
A bigger problem is that we are trying to put a western style government on to Afghanistan. Worse, we are trying to install a democtratic type government. The Afghani people do not get this. To them it is just Karzai using the US to help him stay in power over the Taliban. Is that what Karzai is thinking too? Who knows?
What we need to do is set up a truly despotic regime in Afghanistan. Afghanis will understand that. Not that we want to be despotic, only that a government will not work if it is not like that. We need to rule it with an iron fist, and slowly introduce democratic reforms over the course of 15-25 years. We need to start by taking over the schools, and introducing democratic values (along side the Islamic stuff they learn). We need to import liberal, Western understanding, clerics (who understand the local language and culture) to teach and feed the children at the midrasas.
Then and only then can we introduce the notion of meaningful voting and other staples of modern government. Until then we are just starting something which we will not finish. We have a long history of dtarting to fix things and leaving too early. (eg, Somalia). To use a rather vulgar metaphor, we tend to pull out just before the other country reaches orgasm, and then she walks away as frustrated as she did when she started. The of course we get blamed for doing a half-assed job. We cannot keep on doing this. We have to make the tough choices. We need to see Afghanistan as an ally, not now, but in 30 years down the line. We can only do this if we get in for the long run with a plan for a gradual pullout, and serious economic and social reforms.
On the other hand it may not be possible or right to institute the kinds of cultural reforms that this requires. In which case we need to set up a pro American war lord who will do this himself.
Monday, June 24, 2002
I hope it stays cool. This is one of those places where the position of the observer is significant.
Sunday, June 23, 2002
I went running in Central Park today. It is amazing that such a place exists inside New York city. I ran around the reservoir. Never do that at 2 in the afternoon just after eating. It was good though. I really liked it, and the people are great. Summer stage was going full swing. New Yorkers were being New Yorkers, and runners were being runners. What a city!
It is one of the good places that are open 24 hours a day. The other is Yaffa. (Both of those are run by Israelis. Coincidence?) If anyone can recommend another good place to chill in New York that is open 24/7, let me know.
I love diners, by the way. In the same neighborhood, Alice's (from A and 2nd) closed, and there is something new there. Leshko's is now an expensive ritzy place that I would never set foot in again, and there is Stingy Lulu's on A and St. Mark's, which I have gone to less and less over the years, but is still a pretty good place to be. It needs a bit of upkeep.
Yaffa, which is on the same block, is my favorite. It is sort of a diner, but more of a cafe. more about it later.
Then I had dinner with "Y" and some of his friends at his place in Brooklyn. My social life has been picking up a bit these days. Well, at least I am spending time with Friends.
Saturday, June 22, 2002
If you travel around the world and talk to people you discover that everyone else in the world believes that Americans don't know geography. That is true, at least as compared to other countries. An average educated European knows somewhat more about world geography than an average educated American.
So some secretary of education or other got up and talked about what a tragedy this was, and how this was unacceptable. Then some diplomat talked about how 9/11 tell us how we need to know more about geography. I am pretty sure I disagree. This is a lot of BS. I am very much not convinced that American school children need to waste their time knowing which mountain reigon is in which country, or learn to locate Sri Lanka on a map.
Now, I really am a big believer in this being worldly, and knowing about different places. But that is an interest one may or may not cultivate as they feel like it. In school we ought to obsess over skills. Today with the internet, information is cheap. Everyone on this planet with a few clicks of a mouse can look of the driving time from Jalalabad to Islamabad. Few people care, and it makes little difference.
We need to focus on skills, and ways of thinking. Children need to learn about how to think critically about the world and the news. Children need to learn mathematics, and theory of programing languages, so they can better use the technology they have, and improve on it. Children need to learn what it is to be in a power relationship, and how governments work in general, not where some particular government is located. Children need to be trained to look at all the conditions that make up a political situation, otherwise we end up with a country full of people who can't vote or make public policy decisions with any solid thinking behind it. Children need to learn game theory, and how interactions work. Facts are for Europeans who are obsessed with being able to drop names from history or literature. Americans should learn what it is to read and comprehend. Americans should learn languages. Who cares about a detail that anyone can just look up?
When the US went in to Beirut, for example, not one of the marines could have located Beirut on a map. But the minute it became important, they all learned really fast. What the US never caught on to was the power dynamics that made up the people of Lebanon, and Americans have little framework within which we can understand different kinds of governments that do not involve republicans and democrats and presidents. That is what we need to focus on. Learning about cultures, not to celebrate them, but to understand them should be the goals of our educations system.
We waste too much damned time on useless stuff that we can look up, and impacts us little. We need to learn about relationships and frameworks. We need skills, not information.
Again, this has not realy been a problem. There has yet to be something in the US that could have been prevented if only Americans were more on guard in some way. Let up hope it does not turn to that.
I had a long conversation with my friend "Y". I have known him for 20 something years. We talked about religion. The whole thing is completely foreign to me these days. I find it really hard to understand the mindset of religious people, especially the somewhat rational ones. They are otherwise rational, they say things, they make little sense, they believe them, it makes sense to them, and other religious people. Not to me. What is wrong? What am I missing?
Friday, June 21, 2002
That really freaked me out. What has the world come to when a Beiruti thinks that Jerusalem is dangerous?
I hope that it is not the case that she knows something that I don't, but that Israels defense ministry should. (Though I think she was just worried about all the suicide bimbings and stuff).
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
I am neither Israeli, nor am I in Israel, nor do I hold any Israeli ID card. So I could not purchase anything over the phone, and as I would not be getting in to Israel until about 10 days before I want to leave, I am kind of screwed.
So now I have to find a normal American travel agent who can issue me a ticket from Tel Aviv to Berlin from the US. That should not be too hard.
Boy are they pains in the ass.
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Monday, June 17, 2002
A minute ago, my country's team, just beat the team of the country just south of us.
Also note, that the French, who I mentioned in my last blogg also really care about this sport. They did did pretty bad this year too in that sport.
Sunday, June 16, 2002
French toast is good. So are french fries, french cuffs, french vanilla, french kiss, french manicure, french dressing, and french maids.
Isaac Asimov once used the name Paul French.
So isn't it odd that the French themselves, their modern culture, their recent philosophy, their new litereature, their latest soccer team, their sick politics, arrogance, snobbishness, crappy military, spineless government, hate-filled rhetoric, naivete, laziness, bizarre social system, and just dumb economy -- are just so out of date?
It seems that the French are living off a reputation that was well deserved about 300 years ago. Back when they gave all those fine things to the world - Pascal, Desscartes, and Monet. They all someohow think they still deserve, and they all are taking credit for being the descendants of great people, and looking down on other who are great in themselves, and have not had the privledge of illustrius ancestry.
The French seem to thing that they are still entitled to the royalties of their progenitors. The rest of us realize that we have to work for our reputations and goods.
So enjoy your fries, but remember that the culture that produced them is pretty stale.
Saturday, June 15, 2002
So I called "Z", and asked if I can stay at her place in Jerusalem. Turns out she has a new boyfriend. Now I am really happy for her. Really. Lord knows she should be with someone who wasn't me. We got along well in some ways, but were were just not suited in all ways. Fine. (She is still the esserest;)
But now I am a bit stuck. I was hoping that I could stay there. Now even if she says it is OK, I'd really feel odd. I really don't want to step on the boyfriend's toes or anything. (Guys can be jealous sometimes, and it just wouldn't be right.) So I have to have contingincy arrangements. I am working on them.
This, by the way is the first of many installments of problems that make up my excellent summer adventure. You will hear much more of this later.
1) You will be able to get anything you want at any time. What excuse does a resturant have for closing at 11 PM? Why shoun't everything be always available? I want my services all the time.
2) More Jobs. If all stores and businesses were always open, they would need to be staffed. That will force them all to hire more people. They can spread thir staff ouver the course of 24 hours, so it won't triple the staff, but it will increase it.
3) People will be able to work on a more comfortable schedule. Why get up at 7 AM to get to work by 9 AM? Just get up when is comfortable, and work out a schedule that works for you. Day people can take day jobs and night peopel can take night jobs.
4) No rush hour. People will be getting to work at all hours, thus spreading the traffic out throughout the day. Deliveries can come at any time, and there will be no time consttraints. Hence there will be less traffic. Parking will be easier too.
5) Stock markets in other countries will always be watched. There will be no worrying that the change will affect some company. There will be people there monitoring it all the time. All financial companies will be awake all the time.
6) Stores will have shorter lines. People will all be on such different schedules that they will shop and see movies and do other entertainment things at different hours. Lines will be a bit shorter.
7) No Jet-lag for tourists. I am sure they will appreciate just continuing on their schedule. (Good attraction.)
8) Safety -- If the streets will always be used, at all times, they will be safer. Is many people start work at say, 2 AM, then there will be many people about. That has to increase safety.
9) School facilities can be used round-the-clock. It will make more efficient use of the existing buildings, and relieve overcrowding.
10) If everyone works the same hours then, as anyone who had to work and pick up a package from their home post office knows, things are twice as hard to get done. How can you accept delivery of something if you are at work? If UPS and you work the same hours, then one of you has a real problem. Imagine all the hassle that would be saved by never shutting companies down.
This is something that should lefinitely be encouraged. Maybe the mayor should announce a new NY-24 campaign -celebrating the city that never sleeps.