Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good Peasach

Have a good Pesach. Life on my end has been incredibly busy, and I have not had a second to sit and think about writing.

I saw Thank You for Smoking. Great movie.

I have started to wonder a lot about people. If anyone has a good theory about how and when people actually change their minds, feel free to let me know. People are not persuaded by reasons, nor are they usually swayed. I think people have a hair-trigger on their propensity to hate other people, and if that happens, they stay hated. I think the opposite is not the case. It is rare that we start liking somone we hated.

I gave some papers at a conference. It was fun. I discovered that French academics really cannot distinguish sociology from philosophy.

Life goes on. I will write more later.


Anonymous said...

"I have started to wonder a lot about people...People are not persuaded by reasons, nor are they usually swayed. I think people have a hair-trigger on their propensity to hate other people, and if that happens, they stay hated. I think the opposite is not the case. It is rare that we start liking somone we hated."

Gee, I wonder what brought this on? Chag Sameach, though.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't tell you about people in general, only about a personal experience. I had a personal dislike for someone here in the neighborhood (though not any hatred) and I changed my opinion of him when I found out about an incredibly thoughtful thing he did and I realized that it was likely that I had misunderstood him. This probably shed no light on what you're looking for, but maybe there is no one answer. Maybe it really is something personal and different people will change their views on different bases.
Kinda vague, I know. And it probably does not help you.
Enjoy your day. And try to get out in the sun a little :)