Sunday, September 21, 2003

Lebanon in the NY Press

This week's New York Press has an article (coincidentially named after this blog whose author is quoted in the piece) about Lebanon and the potential to kick Syria out. The article focuses on a man named Ziad Abdelnour who is well connected in all sorts of things Lebanese and thinks that with a bit of "air support" from the US he can free Lebanon. Much of the article compares him with Chalabi and discusses his relation with washington neo-cons. I have no idea why the NY press carried this as their feature article, but . . . hey.

As I advocated before it is Lebanon's time to free itself from Syrian occupation. It is finally free of Israel, and it needs to resume a real political life. I do not buy the line that claims that Syria is THE stablizing force in Lebanon, and the place would collapse in to civil war again if Syria pulled out. Syria had little to do with ending the war. Everyone was pretty much sick of it, so it ended, and treaties were signed.

I have no idea if this guy's plan is worth anything, but it is a good time for Lebanon to do something.